For example, she wanted her parents to call off the gathering for the three clans allied with the DunBroch despite the fact it could possibly lead to war. Unfortunately, Merida is very short-tempered and impulsive, causing her to do things without considering the consequences her actions can lead to. She was also willing to defend her mother from her father after her father tried to kill her (as she was in her bear form and he mistakenly believed that she in her bear form killed Elinor) and again when she shot arrows at Mor'du to protect him from attacking her father. She is also shown to be very adventurous and brave, as she enjoys wandering around the forests that surround her kingdom and even climbed the Crone's Tooth and drank from the fire falls, something her father has mentioned that only the bravest kings have done. Over the course of the film, however, after Merida rebonds with her mother (in bear form) while they catch fish to eat at a riverbank and realizes all the trouble she has caused with her reckless actions, she proceeds to make amends and (with help from her mother) creates a diplomatic solution that allows everyone to be happy and for her to have a better understanding of the importance of her mother's role and wisdom while teaching her mother to learn to listen and understand her better. However, Merida also hardly ever understands her mother's feelings about wanting to do what she believed would be best for Merida or properly conveying her feelings and understanding how her desire for freedom and rebelliousness could potentially and negatively affect the kingdom.
She also thinks her mother places too much expectation on her to become the same type of person she is without listening to what she wants to be, which is true since her mother continually and strictly instructed her in how to be a "proper" princess, and arranged for the three clans to present the three clans' next heirs as potential fiancés for Merida without her consent while neglecting Merida's feelings. This is because she views the strict training and social etiquette that her mother teaches her as tedious and bothersome. Merida is also shown to have developed an interest in archery early on her childhood, possibly by influence from her father.Īs she has grown up, Merida is still very energetic and free-spirited, but has a more strained relationship with her mother (though she still holds the same good relationship with her father) and is more rebellious. She also tended to be playful, as shown by her playing hide-and-seek with her mother and being very hyperactive. She showed a curious side as she followed the wisps, despite needing to go back to the trail and seemed to believe in the legends and myths of her kingdom, highlighting her innocence and naivety. When Merida was younger, she had a close relationship with both her mother and her father. However, she also does resemble her mother in terms of stubbornness and inability to listen to others.
In terms of personality, she greatly parallels and resembles her father, as the two both tend to be unruly, impulsive, and loud. She tends to be ungraceful and has bad manners, and is extremely tomboyish. Merida also seems to be skilled in sword fighting, as shown in the Brave featurette "Cutting the Class". She is very athletic and enjoys nothing more than riding her horse Angus and practicing her archery, of which she is the best in the kingdom. Rather than being a damsel in distress who is subservient to the customs, traditions, and social restrictions her society places on her and expects her to follow, Merida openly rebels and defies her heritage as a princess and would like for nothing more than to be a normal girl. Merida is a very brave, bold, daring, courageous, stubborn, rebellious and headstrong girl who does not fit the stereotypical princess role. The rest of the times, she wears a dark teal cotton dress, white tights and brown shoes.

As a princess, she formerly wears a turquoise dress. Merida is a young Scottish princess with long, curly red hair and blue eyes.